26 January, 2011

Seattle Mountain Rescue

I was just accepted into Seattle Mountain Rescue (SMR), a Search and Rescue organization that specializes in high-angle (ie-mountain) rescue.  I am super, super excited, not to mention a little shocked.
It is all down to JamieB Wood--she wrote me the most killer recommendation.  Thanks Jamie.


PNW alpine on McClellan Butte

If the snow is too cruddy to ski ... why not climb? Climbed the North Gully of McClellan Butte to 50 feet of the summit to find the upper route unclimbable due to lack of snow. Eight rappels, much downcliimbing, and a good measure of laughter later we were back on the trail for home.

PNW backcountry days

BC day with Matt and Ben on Union Peak. Sunshine and 50 degrees. No appreciable avy danger, and yet, there were wet loose slides everywhere and they were easily skier triggered. Hummm ... really though, they were little more than slow heavy grumpy sluffs. Very small. No slabs. No concern. Heavy wet slow snow. Great ski day all and all.