30 November, 2007

Sicko - the saddest American movie

After watching this film, you will be left only two choices: a), pack the bags and take the kids off to Norway; and b), GET INVOLVED!
If you are serious about protecting your future and your quality of life, this issue can hardly be ignored. Expect to cry and don't expect to be the same afterwards.

"Sicko" is a documentary film about health care by Michael Moore.


Anonymous said...

Although the cickening reality of the flick was just that, there is another side Michael neglected to tell and that is of responsible non-profit insurance companies; and yes, they do exist. Although I enjoy his films, he calls himself a documentarian and is not a true documentarian. Sometimes I am turned off by his style, but will still watch what he has developed.

Jonah said...

That's the first I've heard of non-profit insurance comps. Thanks for the knowledge.

Jonah said...

Why is MMoore not a true documentarian??? I don't necessarily like his style, but I love his issues and talent.