20 December, 2008

on the road. . .

. . . to Frederick Maryland. . . . to see Lins.

Jonah Manning
S/V Araby

Online Journal: www.jonahmanning.name
Email - bellyofthewhale.gmail.com
Phone: +001 803 446-5529

31 Churchill Circle
Columbia, South Carolina, 29206

Emergency contact:
Dibble Manning
phone: 001 - 803 - 787 - 4352
also check addresss in "to" column

19 December, 2008

a christmas snowstorm

I am currently enjoying a large dump of snow in the safety and comfort
of the Hillman House in Cuba N.Y. It is warm and happy and it will be
hard to leave. The weather should clear tomorrow and perhaps I will
be on my way home. . . but it will be hard to leave. And Stuart and
Chelsea come in tomorrow night. A shame to leave on the day of their

We shall see.

16 December, 2008

I've got a job!.....Hurray

I'll be helping a man move from Texas to the Philippines. Then
helping him move his boat there from Miami. . . .if all goes well.

Happy Holidays to all.

I am currently in Montreal with my sister, Jean Elliott. I have heard
some great music, met some fine people, seen great snow, drove through
a massive storm, read a great book. I have revitalized myself. I
feel stronger every day. I have slept so soundly, deeply. My soul is
stirring again.

Soon I'll be heading south to N.Y., Maryland and then home. Then to
Florida to check this boat, then Mobile, then Texas for work....then
hopefully the Caribbean in spring.

09 December, 2008


En route to Montreal to see my dear sister Jean Elliott. The weather
seems less than fare.

08 December, 2008


I Passed. i am now a certified EMT!!!!!

Hopefully tomorrow I leave for Montreal to see my sister.