17 February, 2008

Current Anchorage

This is just outside Cebu City, on of the biggest cities in the Philippines. There is a lot going on. As you can see, it isn't a pleasant anc. at all. There are some shacks on the water just behind my boat that pose a serious theft problem. I will likely sail for Danao as soon as the wind shifts from the north, if ever.


Malicious Intent said...

Hey Jonah,
Loved that you stopped by, dig around sometime and read my stuff. I list my more meaningful writings on the left under "M.I.'s noted moments of clarity." I am thrilled you did stop by, do make it a habbit. One thing that makes bloggers interested in you, is if you go and show some love to them. Besides, that puts you out there and others will see your icon a check you out. You have a great blog, the traveling thing is very attractive to many (and you know my connection) so if they do find you, I am betting they will visit more often. :) One day I am sure you will get an official M.I. award! I am trying to hand them out slowly, one a week if possible. But I do have a list of folks who I intend to hit...and that list is in no particular order.
Below is a link to the lastest story from the latest shooting. It is so sad. These kids are acting like college shootings are a fashion statement or a sporting event. It is just crazy and was the prompt to my last post before the award for Bruce.


Jonah said...

I will stop by more often. It was fun. And, at the moment, I have ghastly cheap internet, which, unfortunately, is exceedingly rare for me. One does not "peruse" while paying 5 bucks/hour.

I did just bookmark M. the Merciless, so that is a start. And the Astral Voyaging lady - that is an interesting one. (With all due respect, of course, I just can't remember her name at the moment.) So I am learning. I'm off to read your link to the shooting. Thanks for that.
So who's going to be the next pres ??????

Malicious Intent said...

The next president is going to be Oprah Winfrey.

Jonah said...

What: old, black,and a woman? Come on, you can't have all three candidates in one.