02 May, 2008

hard night on the homestead

Pops took some falls last night.  Emotionally draining time, for sure.  He's not hurt but he is much weaker and simple won't adjust.  So. . . our protocol will have to shift.  No more walking to the bathroom. 
Anyway, I am off to charleston for a breather.  I'll be back on Sunday.  Rocking chairs, sweet tea, guitars and salty air do a man good.


Malicious Intent said...

OH wow, so sorry...it's rough taking care of sick family. Glad you are taking a break. Too many get isolated doing the care taking, not a healthy situation, but some have no choice. I have a girlfriend who's husbands grandmother is in the hosptial and dementia is setting in. Everyone in the family are taking 6 hour shifts to sit with her. Even with that, it is exhausting.

Hope all fairs well and you get a good weekend away.

Leena said...

i will be in charleston tomorrow through sunday -- you around?