10 June, 2008

The Death of Rob Camp

Monday night, at 8:30pm, my lifelong friend Rob Camp took his own life.  May he now find himself in greener pastures.

1 comment:

Malicious Intent said...

Jonah, I am so sorry. You are dealing with so much loss right now. I hope you are taking time for yourself, you are going to need it. Seek out professional help. The greiving process can be complicated, especially with your Dad and this tragic ending for your good friend. Please do not try to ride this storm out on your own. Seek advice, find a routine, just get it. You may not think you need it, but you will.

I am so sorry. I wish there was more that I could do. Keep posting your feelings on here. I started my blog as a sort of therapy and it still is, even if I do get goofy now and then and am just talking to myself. I am all that counts when I write.
Peace and Blessings