28 June, 2009

Kari P on Widgeums

  at a loss for words... I grieve Widge's death, but am also celebrating his remarkable life! I've never met another dog that can even come close to being as brilliant, loyal, adventurous, and fun-loving as Widge. Widge was really the first dog that I had spent much time around and he turned me into a dog lover, after spending great moments with him at Sewanee. What a wonderfully special dog he was and always will be in all of our memories.. His resting place does seem fitting...
   One of my favorite memories of Widge was on our crazy ride home from Moab on spring break  (you, Jay Perry, Widge and me). Widge couldn't resist a nice swim in the cold CO river before we jumped into Jay's car for the long haul back to Sewanee. Unfortunately, he had been sprayed by a skunk not long before and being wet really brought out the skunky odor! We all kept the windows down til our noses became numb to the stench. To make matters worse, Widge had the most TERRIBLE gas from something funky he ate. Every 5 minutes or so he would let out a stink bomb and then stand up, acting truly embarrassed, as we would all scream in reaction to the toxic fumes and frantically roll down the windows. It cracked me up how sheepish Widge acted about his gas episode,  that he was causing such an uproar. That memory of "stinky" Widge on our road trip never ceases to make me laugh out loud....
   Rest in peace, dear Widge. And blessed sailing to you, dear Jonah.
Much love, kari

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