18 February, 2010

The Famous John Rand

This is a funny thing that happened while I was in Port Elizabeth.
For reason's unknown to me, a reporter decided to interview John for
the newspaper. The young dashing American solo sailor thing, I think.
So a whole squadron of reporters and camera people came down to the
docks, crossed the fishing boats and climbed aboard Dancyn.

It was quite a spectacle. And John was brilliant. They really didn't
know enough about sailing to ask the right questions, but John didn't
care, he's gone give his schpeal no matter what they asked him anyway,
which turned out great for the reporters.
Of course the lead reporter was this young dutch girl with stunning
eyes, so John, naturally tries to work her for a drink. Sorry to say
that didn't pan out, and she seemed so keen on him, too.

Anyway. It was funny because after the article came out in the paper
everyone saw it and kept asking him what he was famous for. Being
John, he would come up with some story of some sort. It was all a
good laugh. "The young American sailor goes where the wind takes
him." Great stuff. They've even got a video on there. Check it
out. My boy is good.



LeAnne said...

Yeas it is true, you are famous all over the world. Much love.

Stu said...

Jonah, this could easily have been written about you. Do you still have your cell phone? If so, when are good times (Mountain Standard) to call?