20 December, 2007

on "Zeitgeist"

A relative had this to say about "Zeitgeist":

I watched it tonight.  My mind is racing with question and thoughts.  Well put together movie, i like the historical back up, and music.
One question is on his  base principle of what money is.  In my mind money has value because people are willing to exchange it for goods and services.  It keeps the peach farmer from finding a tractor parts dealer who would be willing to trade parts for peaches.  The movie states "the only thing that gives money value is how much of it is in circulation".  And later saying the "areo'  will make dollar obsolete.  What do you think?
I like the presentation of the unconstitutionality of income tax.  I believe it too.  As well as the presentation of the educational downslide. 
Part 3 and 4 seemed to uncover the motivation of the film maker..for the viewer to hate the Bush family, and Fox TV.  I got the feeling it was made by CNN folks.  I am disappointed in in our TV media too (including Fox).  The are all the same at harping on the same stories and bringing you down.  They seem very bias and slanted in presenting stories, and in choosing stories to go with.  They seem to want to slant opinion, instead of telling the news.  I first noticed this in the mid 80's with my college roommate. 
The last part was especially good.  Empowerment of people can be amazing!!!!!  This may be the planet's  biggest untapped resource, and our brightest hope for the future.  Think of That my man!!!!

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