11 February, 2008

Attack of the pilot whales

In retrospect, I think that they were pilot whales, not porpoises, which are too small, and. . . well, not at all the same.  They looked just like this:


Malicious Intent said...

Never heard of pilot whales doing that either, only agressions you hear about are killer whales, but only when hunting. Know any marine biologists you can talk to and see if they can find out anything?

Jonah said...

I do. We'll see. It was so strange. I don't know what to think about it. At least it wasn't overtly violent. If I find out anything I'll post it for you. And Visa Versa.

So hey, how do you think I could do a better job with my blog? I will start adding picts more regularly and now I realize I can do digital movies with my camera, so I'll have so vids on youtube, which will be cool I guess. . . What do you think? Any wisdom for me? What do other bloggers want to see, read, . . what do you want or expect as a reader???

Malicious Intent said...

Personally I love the day to day stories from lands far away. :) I am always interested in the mundane things we take for granted, how people live compared to here in the states. I also love to see photos of where you are at.

I guess I just grew up with a family member who sailed wherever the winds took them and then they stayed for a bit, worked, and moved on. So I understand the lifestyle well.

The wale story was great. I am a huge science/biology nut and watch that stuff all the time (all my life actually.) I have been so excited over the past few years with the emergence of the giant squid as no longer a creature of mythology, but a real living animal. Facinating! I love dolphins, whales, sharks...