11 January, 2006

yadda yadda

Getting back together here.  Getting some good work done.  Small stuff, fun stuff.
Hanging out with Brian and Dave a bunch.  What a riot those guys are.
I don't know whether my allergies are still going off or if I have a cold.  Either way,
my nose is a fountain.  Not so fun.  But I am eating healthy and recovering from the
carnage of S.C.  (All meat, no veggies.)
I am being tempted by a windvane that I stumbled upon for cheap.  It is a great deal,
but I don't want to do the work and don't want to spend the money.  I can't make up
my mind one way or the other for sure.  The shee to tiller and autohelm have
worked for me thus far.
All is well.  I can see the the end of the tummel not so far ahead.

Jonah Manning
128 Holliday Rd
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Phone - (415) 377.3985 - expires 1/14
Online Journal - www.freejonah.blogspot.com
Email - bellyofthewhale.gmail.com

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