11 March, 2008

On the Road Again. . .

Packin' my bags. . . I'm heading back to U.S.A.  Though, sadly, it is under malign auspices ( bit of a paradox in terms).  My Dad has Leukemia and has, therefore, been in better health.
Araby will stay where she lies, in Zeke's boatyard, Danao.  I feel so fortunate that she is in  such a secure  spot  with  such  good people to  look after her.  Who knows when I'll be back?

So everyone wish me well.  Send good thoughts to my old man.  This promises to be an adventure.

Jonah Manning
S/V Araby

Online Journal: www.jonahmanning.name
Email - bellyofthewhale.gmail.com
Phone: +63 927.676.4512

128 Holliday Rd
Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Emergency contact:
Dibble Manning
phone: 001 - 803 - 787 - 4352
also check addresss in "to" column

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