24 January, 2009


In a few hours i board a flight that will once again land me in the
Philippines. I can't say I am as excited as perhaps I should be.
Frankly I am nervous. It has been such a long time and I have been
living such an utterly different lifestyle here than the one I have
practiced while traveling. The shift back will be a serious
But I also know that I am happier there. And I look forward to that
feeling of peace again. It won't be long now I hope.

I want to thank all of you who have helped me these last few months,
particularly Tom and Melanie Mauldin, Dibble and Charles, Jason and
Tricia Morris, Stefan Costodi, Jess and William Lamb, and Zeke
Stephanski - and anyone who offered me an ear or thought to call and
see what I was up to.

Hopefully I will be writing more and having more to write about. I
hope we all can stay in touch and that someone, sometime actually
comes to visit me somewhere.

Thank you all. I am so so blessed with friends such as you.

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